Human Design Ajna Center: Values and Beliefs are at War the Secrets lies within the Ajna | S3 Ep 41

Human Design Center Ajna This center is all about conceptualization strategizing, linear and scientific method. This is the second triangle from the top. Human design is like your secret weapon and secret tool in your self development box, your emotional intelligence toolbox, the more you know yourself intimately.

“I truly believe. The more, you can guard yourself, your mind and your heart against the lies against manipulation against those who are trying to Gaslight you and have you under their control.”

Raven Scott

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Empowerment Through Boundaries: Spiritual Growth and Akashic Records with Projector Jennifer Spor Healing with Human Design

"Lately my Empath energies are a hot mess! How do I pull it together? "In this episode, we will explore how empaths can tune in to spiritually grow after narcissistic abuse, focusing on the transformative power of setting boundaries.Our guest, Jennifer Spor, a Human Design Projector, host of the Path of the Awakened Heart podcast, is a Spiritual Advisor, Channel, and Akashic Records Master Consultant and Teacher. Jennifer specializes in working with High Achieving Conscious Women Leaders who are here to live unapologetically expressed in their Truth and fulfill their highest destiny in this life, SOUL LED.Don't miss this enlightening discussion on how to empower yourself through boundaries and utilize the wisdom of the Akashic Records for spiritual growth. Tune in live and engage with us as we embark on this journey of healing and transformation. See you there!Get free Tuning into Your Body Meditation: addition to the free meditation Jennifer would love to offer a private Akashic Records reading for those feeling called to receive a deeper level of support at a special rate for you, dear listeners,. You can use promo code 111gift2024 to receive $111 off their session.Here is the link to book: Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast for more insightful content and write a review!And Share!!! My newest book Empath's Guide to Rising Strong Leave a Tip to support, buy books, join community – get weekly emails, and more >>> All Links are at ravenscott.show10% off your first month of therapy at in this episode:Gain Clarity and Express your emotions and get 10% off your first month.Better Help Empaths Healing with Human Design
  1. Empowerment Through Boundaries: Spiritual Growth and Akashic Records with Projector Jennifer Spor
  2. Empath's Guide to Rising Strong Reading Sample Audio book
  3. How to Protect Your Empathic Abilities from "Energy Vampires"
  4. Spiritual Leveling Up: Empath Healing Post-Eclipse & Mercury Retrograde from Narcissistic Abuse
  5. UnPopular Opinion: Letting Go of Victimhood Identity After Narcissistic Abuse

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Today I share with you Human Design Education about the Head center in a series on the Human Design Centers.

The Ajna Chakra is located in the forehead at the point between the eyebrows. It is associated with intuition, creativity, and spiritual awareness.

Human Design Ajna Center

I wait patiently to offer my insights to others. I am aware that my truths are not always the truths of others.

Welcomed Raven Scott show for you regain your sparkle back after narcissist abuse.

Welcome back to the Raven Scott show. Today, we are talking about the human design centers. And this is episode two in this series all, about the centers. And today we’re talking about the Ajna center. And all throughout this. If you have questions about your human design chart, you may comment below your questions and I will answer them for you. If you’re wondering where you can find your human design chart to look at while you’re going through this with me, you can go and get your chart for free at any of the following sites.

Jovian genetic or my body

Ajna Center

So what is the definition of the Ajna center? This center is all about conceptualization strategizing, linear and scientific method. This is the second triangle from the top.

And this is based in the pituitary gland in the brain. The main function of the pituitary gland is to produce and release several hormones that help carry out important bodily functions, including growth and metabolism. So this is directly related to our energy to be able to do things and process things.

Now the topics that we typically are covered and answered will depend on the gates define, and I’ll cover those in just a bit. So this function is really in the Ajna is to research, hypothesize and conceptualize how an inspiration is going to be manifested into reality.

Undefined Ajna

When you look at your chart and you have the open Ajna center,

It will be white. And this center has the ability to see many sides to an issue it’s fair and judicious. It’s impact thick and open-minded, it does not have a fixed way of thinking. And it’s able to process and understand in a myriad of ways and is easily distracted the location, of this energy.

This can really be one that you can read minds. What you’re really doing is you’re just amplifying the thoughts of others whom typically have a defined . Ajna center.. So this, the difficulty with having an open Ajna center and the potential for growth and maturity here is that you see, you don’t have the ability, like it’s very difficult to lock onto a fixed idea or belief.

You’ve probably heard a number of times in your life. Just make up your mind and stick to it. And you are here to be wise about ideas, not necessarily for you to adopt. So the beliefs that you hold on to will be ones that you have come to you through your process of learning through your strategy in life experiences and based on your type of authority.

I cover your strategies in another episode that I’ll link here in this card above and the authorities as well. So you can click on over and learn more in depth about your strategies and authorities. And if you want to finish this video first, it will also be in the description of this video.

Defined Ajna

If you have a defined Ajna center, this center is always green. And you hold fast to ideas and is a bit, or a lot of bits or a lot, a lot judgemental of other people’s ideas.

You have a trustworthy and reliable, fixed way in how you’re processing works. And you are uniquely capable to being certain and must strive for gentleness and openness fixed way of processing concepts. You have a consistent way. You find you influence others ideas solely by the mental pressure. You have the capability of influencing others ideas, just solely on new thinking and processing and the mental pressure that you have. And this. Be unconscious in your actions and your being as well as the words that come out unconsciously that, uh, bear very strong opinions on beliefs and can sway someone’s ability to have their own beliefs.

Cause yours are so strong.

Be careful defined head centers that you were allowing others to believe their beliefs and allow their truths to be their truths.

Are you struggling and needing some daily healing sign up for free to receive daily affirmations directly to your inbox? Sincerely from me, Raven, Scott, all of these will help empower you on your healing journey to strengthen your emotional and mental health against the toxic lies of the narcissist. So what are you waiting for?

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The Ajna centers expert tip alert.

Okay. If you have an undefined, a white Ajna and you’re around a defined ajna person, you can think the thoughts of the defined.

ajna. And you may think that they’re your own thoughts. If you’re not careful, do you understand this energy and how it works? And an empath with an undefined ajna who lives with a parent or a partner with a define ajna may experience a lot of mental pressure. To be consistent to believe certain things and ideas that the defined ajna person believes, but they can’t, they conceptualize multitudes of possibilities.

So there’s frustration and struggle and power struggles between parents and children, partners and partners, or they made. Surrender and succumb blindly and adopt the ideas and beliefs of their partner. If that had center is open. So this you can see is very tricky. I can see this in a perfect empath and narcissist formula.

Let’s say the empath has the open ajna and the narcissist has the defined ajna or someone toxic, or just someone who is very closed-minded to outside ideas other than what they believe inside their own head. A gamut of people. Correct. So you get this sense of you feel guilt, you feel pressured, you feel, you know, bad about questioning the beliefs and, or be-rated a lecture.

You know, convinced into believing what the other person’s beliefs are. And this is very dangerous because then you, with the open ajna aren’t carrying around in yourself, the beliefs and ideas that are true to you, you’re carrying around those ideas and beliefs that are theirs. And unfortunately they can be very toxic.

They can be very exclusive. They can be very, poisonous to other relationships and the World. So an undefined ajna can be very inconsistent. And like I said, it may feel shameful or you may feel pressure to believe what the defined ajna believes “believe what I believe. If you don’t, there will be consequences.” Right.

These emotional. Even like consequences of the beliefs, right? If you don’t believe in God, you will go to hell. These are very extreme ideas that the open ajna not just doesn’t, can’t wrap their head around, and also may feel like they need to adopt it because they’re being pressured into this belief system and, or like the “think like me” mentality of, you know, your partner.

Oh, “everyone is, beneath me, I’m so much better than them. We just need to continue on, you know, in our exclusive relationship and not have any friends and not interact with these lowly people who don’t believe like we do.” And therefore you start to get isolated. If you’re an empath with a narcissist, Do you see the problem? This can be a big problem. So what do you do? So what you need to do, if you have an open ajna is to take a look at the gates that you have.

So we take a look at your gates. You have defined meaning this little number is in bold and circled. Again, we need to look to our strategy and authority. If you have an open ajna center to establish the beliefs that are proven and tried and true that work for you in your experience. Remember the truth is not black and white.

Defined ajna center people. There is a lot of gray area and for both parties, we need to find a balance in the middle.

Gate 47 Realization

The first gate is gate 47. This gate is realization in the I Ching. It is called a pressure. This is a Virgo energy. And the difficulty with this gate, if you have this defined, is that the perfection paralysis is the problem in your life.

You get stuck up on not knowing every single detail of how this is going to come to fruition. And if you’re not following the faith that each next right step is going to be provided to you, as you follow the breadcrumbs in your strategy, then. You’ll just be frozen and you won’t be able to move forward and express your creativity or follow the path that is laid out for you.

it’s important to step out in faith. What is the next right action for you? And I have affirmations and some journal prompts for you after I go through each gate. So stay tuned for that. You surrender. If you have this gate, which is a sensing gate, a sensing gate is just, you just feel it.

So if you have this gate, defined, or let’s say you’re next to somebody who has this defined, you can really amplify that energy and you can see plans, a very complex ideas just laid out in front of you very quickly. It’s very visual.

Gate 24 Rationalization

This gate is an individual gate.

So it is a gate all about evolving and growing as an individual. And this gate is called Rationalization. They I Ching is called return. The Taurus is the, astrological energy here. It’s in Taurus. And this is all about reassessing kind of almost like a mercury retrograde you’re reassessing your grounding of expansion for correct progression.

You’re retweaking find. You know, you’re always kind of like, oh, it should be a little bit better here, a little bit better there. And you go back and forth and back and forth and it’s okay. Because expansion does take some retraction in the process, right? Expansion, contraction, and you’re in the process you find what truly works intuitively to create forward focus.

Gate 4 Answers

This is the gate in the logic circuit, this is very linear logical. Left-brain kind of a thing. And the energy is Leo and this gate is called answers. They I Ching is called youthful folly. And so. That means you just have loads of answers and you have loads of possibilities from a concept or an inspiration, but they need to be proven over time.

You are the ultimate hypothesize are always coming up with lots of different answers, but, if you have the open, the center open. or this gate is defined. You’re going to feel a lot of pressure to come up with answers, but just find yourself and we’ll go through it in the affirmations. Find a place where you can surrender to the fact that your answers then need to be proven, right?

The scientific method. There’s the hypothesis. Then there’s the experimentation. So enjoy the experimentation process and get moving forward.

It’s always fun to experience.

Gate 17. The gate of opinions.

This is a logic gate as well, very linear. And the I Ching is called following. This is Aries in a zone. And, it’s all about launching new ideas, right? Areas as fire warrior, moving forward, initiating, and, these ideas, these new ideas that yet need to be experimented and proven the difficulty is waiting for recognition and timing, right.

Again, the strategy for most of us generators manifesting generators and projectors is to wait while actually. Reflectors need to wait as well. So there’s a lot of waiting, so we need to be patient for the recognition and for the timing and humbly know that it’s just an idea and it’s not concrete yet.

Okay. So even though you might have the idea, it’s not concrete.

Gate 11, this is a sensing gate.

So sensing again is like a feeling, this gate is called idea. And the I Ching it’s Peace. The Zodiac for this as Sagittarius, right? The truth seeker, the , Sagittarius is all about authorship, written word, also adventure, and right, just with Sagittarius, there’s an overflowing abundance of adventure.

They want to have travel the world. This is in your ajna center, an overflowing bucket of creative ideas that, you know, no one person will ever be able to accomplish in their lifetime. So just make peace with the fact that not all of these ideas are for you to do some of these, maybe for people who come along your path and for you to share, to help them to guide them on their path.

I love this one.. I have this one defined and it can be overwhelming at times. So just now you don’t have to do it all.

Gate 43, the knowing gate, this is Insight.

This is again, intuitive knowing and in the I Ching it’s called breakthrough. This is a Scorpio energy. This is like a tearing up the underworld kind of, getting to the root of things and tearing it up to get better. Right. You have the vision of the knowing of how to do things different.

Then the old ways. The old ways may not be working. They might not be serving the collective anymore. So your inner ear, your inner knowing your intuition knows what is correct. So again, using your authority and your strategy is to wait for the right timing in order for the breakthrough to not fizzle and die out. And when that happens and you don’t present it in the right timing, you become resentful. You become upset. Your greatest achievement ever has fallen on deaf ears. And that can be really heartbreaking.

So wait for the right time.

How do you know what the right timing is? The right timing. We’ll come to you in your waiting to respond process in your waiting for the invitation process. It will feel right to you. The opportunity will land in your lap when you’re vibrating at a beautiful, graceful vibration. You won’t be pushing really hard.

You won’t be desperate. You won’t be climbing or knocking on all the doors, doing all the hard sales. That’s not the right timing.

4 47, 11 and 17, are collective gates

All of these gates are energies that will benefit the world as a collective body. It projects what is coming next based on lessons of the past. It reflects potential and possibilities for the future and shares it. So a beautiful affirmation for this is.

I like to see the patterns in all things, enjoy it, surrenders the patterns.

I share my ideas, stories and advice with the people who ask for them.

Gate 24 and 43 are individual gates.

And they’re all about mutation and empowerment. If you have a lot of interval, individual circuitry, you are here to be different. And in order to be happy, you must fully express your unique.

I let my inner wisdom develop over time and share with those who ask. I am free to empower others and let my light shine everywhere I go.

Gate 47 Affirmation

I wait with delighted anticipation, how the universe manifest my desires.

Journal Prompts

  • Some questions you can ask yourself during your journaling time. Is, are you developing a growth mindset?
  • Do you trust that the universe will bring you the next right? Breadcrumbs? How can you keep your vibration high while you work and wait for your dreams to manifest

Gate 24 Affirmation

I nurture what is serving me and release what is toxic to my growth.

Journal Prompts

  • Make a list of everything that feels good and is working in your life. Acknowledge it and keep doing it. And write out all that is frustrating you and is not helping you grow and burn it and release it in a Journal’s burning ritual any time and especially around the full moon and if needed, cut the cord of them out of your life.

If it’s a habit, if it’s a person, if it’s something cut it out of your life.

Gate 4 Affirmation

I am wise and aware that not all of my answers are true or what is real. I patiently wait to see if my answers are correct.

Journal Prompts

  • What new awareness or thoughts do you have? What are your next steps that you need to take in your creative process?

Gate 17 Affirmation

I wait patiently to offer my insights until I am asked. I am aware that what is truth for me is not always truth for others.

Journal Prompts

  • What phrases do you see? The, what phrases do you say that are passive aggressive about your beliefs? How can you productively save your ideas without blurting them out to others?
  • How can you show grace to others ideas even though they’re different to yours

Gate 11 Affirmation

I honor my overflow of ideas and curiously save them for the right person to carry out. Even if that is not me.

Journal Prompts

  • Congratulate yourself for the accomplishments in the last week and the last month, what have you learned?
  • What is your five-year goal?
  • And which ideas do you have in your idea bank, your overflowing bucket that will help you get there and focus on those

Gate 43 Affirmation

My visions are valuable and world changing.

I attract the right people in the right time to bring forth opportunities for breakthrough.

Journal prompt

  • Brain dump all of your current ideas, get all of them out there and then look at them. Do you see a pattern in them that points to a theme of a breakthrough?

And that is the conclusion of the Ajna center in the human design center series. Again, you can click the video below to learn more about the human design strategy and to rewire and realign your consciousness.

So you’re not working out of your subconscious and you’re not self theme of resentment, frustration, anger, bitterness. We don’t want any of those. Right. So let’s use our human design chart to be able to learn how to do that such as click the video in the outro here right now. Thank you so much for watching and remember, always keep your unique light shine.

And remember. Always keep your unique light shining.

We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul’s journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Magic Kathi Astrologer have joined together to create a beautiful Bundle for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

How to master your boundaries:

  • Envision yourself saying NO
  • Feel the power of your self sovereignty
  • Dream of yourself saying NO
  • Step into your courage, pushing through fear, and taking action to say NO.
  • Be detached with the others emotional response (which may be like a child’s temper tantrum)

Raven’s Book

Over the past decade Raven Scott has first, exited an abusive relationship, then found her healing and renewal through the very tools she shares in this book. This “incredibly relatable story is a healing guide that weaves a story of an empath growing up, struggling with codependency, and loving a narcissist. It guides you in transforming yourself from low self esteem, PTSD, emotional abuse, to a strong, confident, and renewed soul.
PLUS! It includes a bonus chapter on the basic overview of Human Design -Your soul’s unique blueprint.
Grab your copy of this book on SALE today! available on Amazon NOW!
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this 1 of many reviews:
“This guide book is clearly written to serve those committed to healing and honoring their highest nature. this book is A must read on your self discovery journey!” – Abigail Gazda

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“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.”

-Brene Brown
What’s missing in your life right now? comment below.
There is one thing I know… is this.

when you are controlled by a narcissist you will never reach your true potential as a beautiful human being. There is hope though! You are here to elevate the collective and evolve in your souls journey. The dark egoistic people are drawn to your empathic light – like a moth to the light.

Raven Scott
What relief tip from this show are you going to start today? Let me know in comments below.

I know what I’m doing. I am running and listening to my Peloton app coaches. It’s a physical and spiritual coaching session every time. What are you doing?

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“I salute the Divinity in you.”

– Indian brotherhood
Raven Scott

Raven Scott is providing women, who are feeling lost and alone in their journey, a community to kick ass as we become empowered together while healing from childhood trauma, abusive relationships, or plain old life, and awaken to rewrite our karmic story. Through astrology, self care, human design, & intuition.
We are energetically clearing ancestral patterns one step at a time to find our power and potential through healing so you can live empowered the unique loved individual you desire to be. Topics covered: Self development, Human design, Astrology, tarot, meditative thoughts, intuitive message from spirit, and expert guests sharing different spiritual healing modalities.
Your host and Patreon Community mentor, Raven Scott, is a narcissitic abuse survivor, author of Empath and The Narcissist: A Healing Guide for People Pleasers. And also is a Certified Meditation Teacher. Join us on

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Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empath and the Narcissist: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at

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