How to Deal with Difficult People | Meditation Practice S3 Ep16

And you don’t want to leave frustrated, angry, drained, or triggered. This meditation is going to allow you to enter into this scenario with this person.

And you’ll be able to leave refreshed with a new viewpoint, with a different perspective, and just with the tools to emotionally handle this situation.

“Have you felt panic attacks from dealing with difficult people? “

– Raven Scott
Photo by Keira Burton on

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Spiritual Leveling Up: Empath Healing Post-Eclipse & Mercury Retrograde from Narcissistic Abuse Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD

Are you feeling a void of joy and will? This Eclipse in 2024 and post Narc Abuse? Welcome to Empath and the Narcissist podcast! In this episode, I dive into spiritual leveling up after the eclipse and Mercury retrograde. I explore Gate 51 shock and depression, and how to navigate this transformative energy.Key Points: Channeled message from SpiritUnderstanding Gate 51 in Human Design and its role in spiritual awakening.Navigating post-eclipse and Mercury retrograde energies for growth. Overcoming shock and depression through spiritual practices. Embracing change and leveling up on your spiritual journey.Resources Mentioned:- Human Design: Gate 51 Shock- Empath's Guide to Rising Strong: Human Design Guidebook for Self- Discovery by Raven Scott- Understanding Human Design by Karen CurryAre you an empath looking to level up spiritually? Tune in to this episode for insights on navigating shock and depression post-eclipse and Mercury retrograde. Listen now for practical tips and empowering guidance! VIEW Chart on Blog HERE Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more insightful content!And Share!!! Help me review my newest book Empath's Guide to Rising Strong & receive a FREE 2 hour Human Design Reading and Coaching Session. Grab Free 10 Step To Break Free from the Narcissist a Tip to support, buy books, and grab free somatic workshop and more >>>All Links are on the
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1.Show Transcript

Welcome to the thriving intuitive [00:01:00] podcast where you regain your sparkle back after narcissist abuse.

[00:01:38] Raven Scott: I chose you for that very reason, you were perfect. A blank canvas. I could create you into my own creation of a woman. I stood in shock and disbelief. I thought this whole eight years together, I’ve been pawn in your game. How was your play thing? [00:02:00] I was so dumb enough to let you. Page 1 42 in my book and path.

[00:02:06] And the narcissist. Have you felt that have you felt so played? The narcissist is very accurate in choosing you because you’re open, gullible, whatever you want to call it, but you’re just a kind hearted person. And for me, I was a blank canvas. My self-worth was zero and I so desire to seek outside, grow into a human being.

[00:02:34] I am your host, Raven Scott, and we are talking today about, how we can deal with difficult people.

[00:02:42] And I was so sheltered in such an extreme religious environment. Yeah. I was a blank canvas. I was prime target. And a narcissist will find us.

[00:02:52] Today’s meditation is all about how we can deal with [00:03:00] difficult people, because we all don’t have the luxury of cutting out the narcissist completely from our lives. And sometimes other narcissists will come in. Maybe they’re a sibling, maybe they’re part of your family, mother, whatever it is, right.

[00:03:15] Maybe it’s a new friend who you thought was kind, but they’re a narcissist. Those are a lot easier to cut out, right? Friends, but someone who you can’t cut out, maybe you’re co-parenting. This meditation is going to give you the tools to be able to deal with difficult people. Um, first-hand, I’ve experienced that this meditation can allow you to do so.

[00:03:41] It really can open up your eyes and maybe they’re not a narcissist or maybe they don’t really affectively hurt you, but sometimes they’re in your life and you have to deal with them once a year. Okay. And you don’t want to leave frustrated, angry, drained, or triggered. This meditation is going to allow [00:04:00] you to enter into this scenario with this person.

This meditation is going to allow you to enter into this scenario with this person at ease.

[00:04:00] Raven Scott

[00:04:03] And you’ll be able to leave refreshed with a new viewpoint, with a different perspective, and just with the tools to emotionally handle this situation. So let’s get diving in.


[00:04:16] so we’re going to get settled into our mat. Okay, comfy cozy, sitting straight with your spine up nice and tall. Shoulders back. Rolling down, reading deeply from your belly, starting to soften your eyes and close your eyes, breathing in and I’ll breathing in and I’ll, your eyes are closed [00:05:00] now. Breathing.

[00:05:03] And I’ll leaving a deep breath out of your mouth, deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. One more through your nose, deep breath and out through your no. Now breathe easy. Picture this difficult person who is making you angry is hurting you. Maybe he’s not listening to you. It’s just so difficult to resolve.

[00:05:41] See yourself staring into their eyes, take a deep breath and, and in deep breath Al now see time. See this difficult person as a [00:06:00] teenager, then as a child. And then as a baby, this person was innocent and vulnerable. At one point in time, this person was dependent on their mother. Now imagine them back at the age of six or seven, they are still vulnerable.

[00:06:22] This person was dependent again. They had hopes and dreams. They have been hurt and embarrassed, see their pain, maybe they’re lonely or ignored or scared. This little one is inside of them still. And when their ego lashes out know that it is their fear, their shame and their defense mechanism. See yourself, removing some of their burdens from their arms and [00:07:00] assure them that they’re going to be fine.

[00:07:03] You forgive them. You see that when it is time to see or speak to this difficult person, visualize them as a child with their fears and hold grace in your space for that. Be curious why they are saying these darts of era,

[00:07:29] if they cannot soften, you know, you have tried your best with your eager, with your ego lowered. You can draw boundaries for yourself and limited time with them. Maybe not talk about certain times. And pay for your own items. Zero slowly, take a deep breath in [00:08:00] and out.

[00:08:12] Sit in the space that this difficult person. Has no power over, you does not need to affect any parts of your emotions because their difficulty and their prickliness ours is their pain. It’s their armor. And all you have to do is stop bumping into.

[00:08:51] Stop trying to win. When you lower your ego, trying to win, you can’t get through that prickly spiky [00:09:00] armor. Why, why even try? So you can be proven, right? Cause they’re wrong. Really? They’re not difficult at all. You start to be curious about them and enjoy the time as a science experiment, asking questions versus trying to make them wrong.

[00:09:25] We already know they’re wrong, right? It’s like a little toddler, you know, their stories and their make-believe things are not reality. So just speaking. We entertained during the time you’re with them and then put up boundaries that you’re not with them for very many times. You have the power to do this, sit and soak up your power.[00:10:00]

[00:10:15] Um, when you’re ready slowly, take a deep breath in awakening your senses to your surrounding wiggling, your fingers and toes. Blinking eye fluttering them softly, gazing upon something in the room, finding space to say thank you to yourself, to your guides, your higher self Sorce, divine father and mother.

[00:10:47] Thank you. Spirit guides for allowing me to see the other person’s. True self See the other person’s soul struggling [00:11:00] to be evolving some souls. Aren’t always going to be evolving and successful in this life. Thank you for that perspective. Thank you for practicing this with me today. I pray that it has equipped you to be curious rather than upset and trying to prove yourself

[00:11:21] right. Next time you deal with this difficult person. My higher self sees your higher self Namaste.

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We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul’s journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Jessica Schiller Silverman have joined together to create a beautiful community for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

This collective membership on Patreon aligned so divinely in flow! 

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  • We host live Q&A on anything spiritual, tarot, human design, or moonbeam related. 

Remember Keep Your Unique Light Shining

Don’t let anyone tell you your worthless! You are AMAZING!

Raven’s Book

Over the past decade Raven Scott has first, exited an abusive relationship, then found her healing and renewal through the very tools she shares in this book. This “incredibly relatable story is a healing guide that weaves a story of an empath growing up, struggling with codependency, and loving a narcissist. It guides you in transforming yourself from low self esteem, PTSD, emotional abuse, to a strong, confident, and renewed soul.
PLUS! It includes a bonus chapter on the basic overview of Human Design -Your soul’s unique blueprint.
Grab your copy of this book on SALE today! available on Amazon NOW!
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this 1 of many reviews:
“This guide book is clearly written to serve those committed to healing and honoring their highest nature. this book is A must read on your self discovery journey!” – Abigail Gazda

The link below.

And make sure to grab your Raven Scott Show Swag in the link below. She’s designed some fashionable tote bags, shirts, stickers, and coffee mugs you would be proud to wear around your friends.

“How we react to stress creates chemicals in our body.”

-Raven Scott – Empath & The Narcissist
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when you are controlled by a narcissist you will never reach your true potential as a beautiful human being. There is hope though! You are here to elevate the collective and evolve in your souls journey. The dark egoistic people are drawn to your empathic light – like a moth to the light.

Raven Scott
What relief tip from this show are you going to start today? Let me know in comments below.

I know what I’m doing. I am walking and listening to my intuition. It’s a physical and spiritual coaching session every time. What are you doing?

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“I salute the Divinity in you.”

– Indian brotherhood
Raven Scott

Raven Scott is providing women, who are feeling lost and alone in their journey, a community to kick ass as we become empowered together while healing from childhood trauma, abusive relationships, or plain old life, and awaken to rewrite our karmic story. Through astrology, self care, human design, & intuition.
We are energetically clearing ancestral patterns one step at a time to find our power and potential through healing so you can live empowered the unique loved individual you desire to be. Topics covered: Self development, Human design, Astrology, tarot, meditative thoughts, intuitive message from spirit, and expert guests sharing different spiritual healing modalities.
Your host and Patreon Community mentor, Raven Scott, is a narcissitic abuse survivor, author of Empath and The Narcissist: A Healing Guide for People Pleasers. And also is a Certified Meditation Teacher. Join us on

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Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empaths Rising: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at

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