
Healing from Abuse with Human Design

Woman standing in front of a tree in blue shirt and blue shorts. Raven Scott

Hey there!

Welcome to my site. I am author and podcaster passionate about helping men and women overcome PTSD, codependency, Narcissistic abuse, and manipulation through Astrology, Human Design, meditation and channeled Spiritual empowering messages. You may find yourself here for hours with 100’s of pages and blogs to educate and empower.

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I started writing as a healing modality for myself, and then I felt called to self publish hoping to help one. And thousands are now reading and being empowered by my story and healing. I also was studying Human Design and love its empowering message it brings. And my obsession and knowledge of astrology made it all come alive. I realized I can help others by sharing their charts with them to bust out of the box the toxic people have placed them in. The Empath and The Narcissist podcast started it all back in 2020 as “Return to Calm”. After many title changes and production growth, it is the ultimate freebie to guide you in your healing journey.

So I have a …

image contains three images of couples arguing and in disagreement and in distress. with text "Question for you Are YOU at your breaking point from one draining relationships after another?
white background with pink and purple butterfly with text "or let me rephrase that... What if you could manifest a relationship that feels peaceful, joyful and uplifting? Because, life is too short for always walking on eggshells and absorbing negativity. A life of constantly living up to someone else's expectations is crazy making. And you deserve more that being burdened with the responsibility of your partner's feelings."
image of a couple holding hands running into ocean gentle waves at sunset with text "Sign up to receive FREE audio coaching every day directly to your email to be free of the pain that the Narc is causing you. *this is empath empowerment and is not meant to be substitute for professional therapy."
image of a happy couple looking each other in the eyes woman holding her partners neck and chin smiling in love with text "Can you imagine? Raising your vibration to repel the wrong people and manifest a partner who accepts your authentic self unapologetically?"
white background with water color purple and pink gradient with black text "If you want to learn how to stop the feelings of unworthiness... and Embrace Your Triumphant Self I have something for you...Introducing... Empath & The Narcissist A book & healing workbook.  The book that facilitates you to break free of the patterns, embrace self love, and call in the life of your dreams!"
circle image of woman facing back to camera and text "client testimonials 'my heart ties with my cover narc, have been completely cut!! (they were hanging by a thread, but wouldn't go away) After coaching with Raven, just like that they are gone! ... I'm blown away, how it shifted so easily after discovering you, and the immense knowledge and support you offer. Words cannot describe! Just wanted you to know that your support has helped me in my healing journey tremendously!!! And will continue to do so, I've fallen in love with an amazing soulmate, my heart is overjoyed!"
background image of a pink and white and gold daily planner with white box overlay with 5 gold stars and text "client testimonials 'I'm so thankful for you and your support during this time of my healing journey and self discovery. My heart is full of gratitude and I am grounded and I have peace despite the chaos. It's kinda hard to explain. I am so thankful for your kind and gentle kindness and your guidance.' Wendy Charley"
image of a woman stirring coffee on a saucer with cookies on with books hardcover and kindle titled "empath and the narcissist" with text above "+Bonus you will receive your Human Design chart personal report Guided meditations for healing Clarity of why the Narc is so cruel and how you can free yourself."

Now available on AUDIBLE!!!

image of pink and gold daily panner with text on white boxes overlay with 5 stars and text  "book review" effective strategies a guidebook to recovering from painful relationships"
image of pink and gold daily panner with text on white boxes overlay with 5 stars and text "Such an insightful book, inspiring, education and practical, life saving. this book was a game changer for me, I highly recommend this book."

Empath’s Guide to Rising Strong

Raven’s Second Book baby is a follow up Human Design Guide book

purple background with image of a book with purple starry night cover with butterflies and moon and dark trees below with text "Empaths guide to rising strong human design guidebook for self-discovery raven scott" Text on the right of the book reads "raven scott weaves her feminine magic throughout, inviting you into the most delicious self-inquiry. A workbook to come back to time and time again!" - Marina J " Amazon logo "Buy now"

Learn More About the New Book

White background with text"Are you ready to? Get unstuck? and be empowered? Join the empath healing community today! And gain traction in your path to freedom. "in a purple box on the left with white text "Buy the book in black text $14.99 paper $0 audible $0 kindle buy now" in a purple box on the right text"get your chart reading $250 full multi page report, 40 minute call with raven show now" "podcast"
blue image with rainbow light in top right corner with woman smiling, image of a human design body graph and white text "Empath and the Narcissist spiritual healing with human design." podcast cover.

Subscribe to Raven Scott Show Youtube Channel

picture of woman smiling with gold moon garland on the wall behind her.

About Raven Scott

I’m just a regular Virgo with Mars in 12th House. I am here to fight for you when you don’t feel you can. And empower you to become brave in your spiritual journey.

Let’s hang out

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*This website is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional help. Connect with a professional therapist in the comfort of your own home. Get 10% off your first month.

“When it comes to the Story of your life. Let no one else hold the pen. “

Raven Scott

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"I know how it is to feel like you can’t breathe without someone. I know the very real fear of the unknown. I know the sense of being paralyzed by fear and receiving threats from the love of your life who has turned against you because you finally chose to stand up for yourself. I cannot bear the silence any longer. ...
I write this now as a woman, full of peace, joy, and contentment. Do not be fooled, I do still struggle with patterns that continue to emerge. It is like cleaning out a closet, you can address one pile at a time. I catch and observe my ego making me feel sad, and I have my moments of darkness. However, I am always striving to stay mindful, heart centered and tuned into my soul’s worth." - Empath & The Narcissist: Book Dedication

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